Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Midweek Munchies

Since having an accident back in October last year and being unable to work my partner and I have been 'making do' with relatively cheap and cheerful food.  

I shop online each week and get a delivery every Wednesday so today was stock up day.

Our delivery arrived just before lunch so I had a toasted crust left over from our old loaf of bread which had gone a bit dry, some vitalite (vegan) spread and topped it off with some garlic and herb cream cheese.  In order to ensure I got part of my five a day fruit and veg I had a handful of baby plum tomatoes, gorgeously juicy and extremely sweet.  I topped this off, rather naughtily, with a custard filled donut (we have to have some treats - five in a packet for just 65p - 83 US cents).  Tried not to lick my lips while I was eating my sugary treat but just couldn't hack it.

Being English I couldn't survive without a cup of tea to wash down my repast and now, at 3.30 in the afternoon, I've had another portion of my 5 a day (a handful of dried cranberries and another refreshing cuppa.

This evening we're having supermarket bought pizzas.  Adam, being a meat eater is having a meat feast and I've gone for a cheese and tomato one but will add some onion, sweet red peppers and sweetcorn to mine.  Each pizza costs £1 - $1.28 - but I'll manage to save half of mine for a meal later in the week as I'll add some salad to it.  Adam, on the other hand, being a typical man, will eat all of his in one sitting.  For a dessert I'll probably open up a tin of fruit which costs no more than 50p and that tin will last me about three days.

So, no major food prep involved, no special cooking skills but a really cheap meal.

Oh, and to wash down my pizza, this week I'm trying a supermarket brand flavoured water - mango and passion fruit.  Another little treat but I got 1 litre (2 pints) of it for just 40p - 51 cents.

I'll keep you tuned as to what cheap and cheerful and easy prep/cooking meals I decide on tomorrow.

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